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Rate Limit


The Rate Limit policy action allows you to configure thresholds that restrict the throughput of traffic that successfully reaches your endpoint.


When this action is executed, it evaluates a configured key based off the incoming connection to determine if the specified threshold has been met in the current time window. If a threshold has been reached, the request is rejected with a 429 — Too Many Requests status code. Otherwise, the request proceeds to your upstream server.


Parameter Description
namestringA name for this rate limit configuration.
algorithmstringThe rate limit algorithm to be used. Supported options: "sliding_window"
capacityuintThe maximum number of requests allowed to reach your upstream server. The minimum capacity is 1 and the maximum capacity is 1000.
ratestringThe duration in which events may be limited based on the current capacity. This must be specified as a time duration (e.g. "3s", "10m"). The minimum value is "1s" and the maximum value is "24h".
bucket_keyList<string>The elements of this collection define the unique key of a request to collect and track the rate at which the capacity is being met. Possible values are "domain", which is the Host, "client_ip", and "getReqHeader('X-example-header-name')", which is the value for the specified header key, if it exists.